Rose of Light, Thorn of Darkness is a novel based on actual events from the author’s personal experiences that have been presented in a fictional setting. It highlights the fiery preparation a servant of God may have to endure to come to a place where God is able to use them for His glory. The author, Jeannette Haley, manages to paint a mosaic of her real-life challenges and afflictions that include personal battles and spiritual challenges through the life of the main character, Julie Danza.
Rose of Light, Thorn of Darkness is a novel based on actual events from the author’s personal experiences that have been presented in a fictional setting. It highlights the fiery preparation a servant of God may have to endure to come to a place where God is able to use them for His glory. The author, Jeannette Haley, manages to paint a mosaic of her real-life challenges and afflictions that include personal battles and spiritual challenges through the life of the main character, Julie Danza.