Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

GSM Links Page

The Following Links to Other Sites may be of interest to you.

Gentle Shepherd Ministries does not necessarily endorse
everything you may read on these sites.
We trust you will use your discernment.

Discernment Sites

The Berean Call
Lighthouse Trails Research
Olive Tree Ministries
Berean Publishers
Deception in the Church
Let Us Reason Ministries

Apologetics and Cults

Christian Witness Ministries
Deception In The Church
Apologetics Index
Cults and Religion

Church Issues & Other Sites

The Gospel Truth – Works of Charles Finney
Early Church
Shepherd Serve
Messengers of Messiah
Christians For Biblical Equality

Christian Books

Gospel Tracts

Chick Tracts
Christian Gospel Tracts