“Assumptions” by Rayola Kelley
The Lord will shake every area of our lives to show us what is assumption and what is founded on the immovable Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jeannette and I recently received one of these shakings. I am glad to say our beliefs were founded on Christ and, as a result, they simply became more reinforced and precious to us…
“My Testimony” by Rayola Kelley
My greatest testimony of God is that He is faithful. He was faithful to save me from a cult that had indoctrinated me in the ways of death. He first began to draw me away from this cult to His Son when I was experiencing despair over my personal failures. My cult had taught me that I could become acceptable through works, but I was aware that sin was very much present in my life. Sin caused such hopelessness in me…
“Broken And Spilled Out” by Jeannette Haley
My twenty-year love affair with oil paint came to an abrupt halt. My health, and heart, broke as the herbalist explained the test results. Deep inside my spirit I knew she was right, but how I hated to face the devastating facts…
“Paying The Price” by Jeannette Haley
In my younger years and prior to being in full-time ministry, I longed to meet and be in the company of “real” missionaries and true servants of God. I yearned to experience the miraculous intervention and power of God as did these ambassadors for Christ on the mission field. My love for Jesus was deep; their love for Him was deep too. But I always sensed that somehow there was a vast difference between us. In other words, they “had something” I didn’t have, and I wanted it. As time passed, the Lord began to show me that the difference was the “price” they paid…
“My Testimony” by Jeannette Haley
Before I even became enrolled in kindergarten, I recall my great-grandmother talking about Jesus. Her entire life was consumed with the reality of Christ, making quilts and other things to send to missionaries, and personal evangelism. One of my fondest memories of her (when I was still a child, but older) was her going to her door and calling to all the neighborhood children to come in and sit down in her tiny living room. There she taught them songs about Jesus as she played her old-fashioned pump organ…