Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

Traditions! Part 2

Last month we looked at traditions. As nations, cultures, and families we have our “traditions.” They are important because they are a common ground for people upon which they can meet. However, in many cases people do not know why we observe the days and times we do. Many traditions are simply accepted because it […]


During this time of the year, the subject of traditions comes to the forefront. As a nation and culture, we acknowledge Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas within a two-month period. The question is how important are traditions? If you ever watch the movie, Fiddler on the Roof, which is very consistent with how people perceive traditions […]


Each month it is our desire to write articles that will hit the mark. Our goal is to cause people to arrive at the bottom line as to what is in order to make sure that they end up with a right perspective: a Biblical perspective, an eternal perspective (Isaiah 55:8-9). This is one of […]

Q: “When you go through sickness and trials is God chastening you?”

A: No, not necessarily. God uses different means to get our attention. He allows sickness and trials to usually test, enlarge, and bring our faith to maturity. Such things will cause us to look up to Him to walk us through trying times. Peter referred to it as the fiery test of our faith in […]


Last month I talked about keeping our sanity in insane times. As I considered what makes me question my own sanity, I came to the same conclusion. It’s the lies of other people. We know that Satan is the father of lies, and since he is the god of this age, the world is wrapped […]

Q: Is it wrong for Christians to take a hard stand and confront others who abuse and
use them? Are they really showing grace and mercy to people who always take
advantage of them?

A: I realize Christians struggle with this issue because of how Christianity ispresented. First, we must only confront for the sake of the person and not because theyare rubbing us wrong. Remember the cross of Jesus was for our sake, not His.Secondly, to find grace a person must be seeking mercy (Hebrews 4:16). You can’tshow […]


One of the many challenges Christians have is to keep sane when it seems that insanity has taken hold of the world and is shaking it from side to side to see who will remain SANE. In order to speak on this subject, I must define sanity. The best way to summarize the concept is […]


The other day I was talking to a friend, and she asked me about firebrands when it comes to our Christian faith. I guess for me I have my own definition of what a firebrand is. To me Elijah and John the Baptist were examples of firebrands. They were both prophets from God. John had […]


Jesus was very clear that there are only two responses when it comes to one’s spiritual life and direction in Luke 13:3 & 5, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” One must surely repent which means to turn away from the destructive path of death and destruction. However, […]