Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

Should You Be In Agreement? Part 3: Conditioning

For the last couple of months, we have been considering the different presentations of God. For example, in the popular fiction book, The Shack has erroneously been made into theology by zealots–the Father was a black woman, the Son a “good old boy,” and the Holy Spirit was represented by an Asian woman. Even though […]

Should You Be In Agreement Part 2? Render Common, Becoming Reprobate

Last month I talked about how God will manifest Himself to us. The Bible speaks of the Godhead and we know that within the Godhead are three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20). We also know according to Acts 17:30-31 that God is not winking at ignorance concerning […]

SHOULD YOU BE IN AGREEMENT? Part 1: Manifestations

As a former cult member, the real issue of salvation comes down to one issue: Jesus Christ. However, this matter does not hinge on a name, a certain religious affiliation, or even a creed. It comes down to who you say Jesus is (Matthew 16:13-17). Peter summarized it best when he answered, “Thou art the […]

Q: “What does the Spirit of Prophecy in Revelation 19:10 mean?”

A: When you read this Scripture, an angel is talking to John who has fallen down before him to worship him. Since he is simply a messenger, he makes it clear that he deserves no worship and that like John, he has a testimony of Jesus; therefore, he should worship God for the testimony of […]

Q: “Is there a difference between signs and wonders and miracles?”

Q: “Is there a difference between signs and wonders and miracles?” A: Yes, there is. We read about signs in Genesis 1:14 that the stars in thefirmament were to serve as signs. Jesus’ birth was marked by a star that three wisemen followed to Israel. Signs are something that can be seen and read, but […]

Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you never
addressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What does
that mean in relationship to hell and destruction?”

Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you neveraddressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What doesthat mean in relationship to hell and destruction?” A: Jesus is quoting Isaiah 66:24 in Mark. Isaiah is in reference to the last greatbattle that will […]

Q: “What do you think about the Ashbury Revival?”

Q: “What do you think about the Ashbury Revival?” A: It is easy to get excited any time one mentions a possible revival and jump onsome bandwagon that ends up with people taking sides as to it legitimacy while openlydebating whether it is genuine. I am not willing to jump on any bandwagon or take […]

Q: “What is outer darkness?”

Q: “What is outer darkness?” A: There are three main scriptures about outer darkness found in Matthew 8:12;22:13; and 25:30. Darkness can only be observed when there is an absence of lightbecause in certain situations even darkness is light to some people (Matthew 6:22-23).Spiritually there is the gnawing darkness of hell and the tormenting fiery […]


Recently I watched a documentary that made an unsettling impression on me. It was based on a tragic, true incident that had to be disheartening to anyone who watched it. It simply started out with three young men in their late teens and early 20’s playing a prank on a family one Friday night in […]

Consequences Part 2: HEAVEN OR HELL

Last month I talked about consequences, ending on the depressing note of hell. Whether we like it or not the Bible is clear that the way to heaven is narrow and hard, and the way to hell paved with various things from good intentions, good deeds, decent ways, and religion that riddled with piousness that […]