By Jeannette Haley “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” Solomon’s Song 6:3 It is quite obvious that the cycles and rhythms of American traditions continue to function in spite of all the world-shaking events that rage over and around us. They are as predictable as the drumbeats at a Pow Wow. For example, […]
Living In Insane Times Part 1 By Rayola Kelley

Regardless of the challenging times we live in, people have an incredible ability to adapt in challenging situations, and when they come to plateaus, they develop the attitude that upon surviving such times, that they can get by no matter what is going on around them. However, their ability to put up with greater bondage […]
Q: “I was told that when the veil tore in the temple that it meant the common man could enter into the Most Holy Place. It sounds good, but is it correct?”

A: In one way it is but in another way it is not. It is true that the ripping of the veil opened the way for those who were forbidden to enter in before could now enter in, but the catch is that only those of the priesthood can enter in. Keep in mind the […]
Should You Be In Agreement Part 2? Render Common, Becoming Reprobate

Last month I talked about how God will manifest Himself to us. The Bible speaks of the Godhead and we know that within the Godhead are three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20). We also know according to Acts 17:30-31 that God is not winking at ignorance concerning […]