The other morning as I was trying to wake out of a deep sleep, I had to wade through a dream. Granted, dreams can be a combination of something you watched on TV, something you have been or are involved with, something you ate, a part of your body complaining about some discomfort, or the […]
Facing the Elements Part 14

KING OF THE MOUNTAIN By Rayola Kelley We live in a world of conflict. Most of the conflict has nothing to do with right or wrong. It reminds me of a game I played as a kid. It was called, “the king of the mountain.” It is where a group of kids find some small […]
They Will Know

THEY WILL KNOW By Jeannette Haley “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, If ye have love one to another.” – John 13:35 Some of you may be old enough to remember those early school days when things were simple, straightforward, and “normal.” I’m thinking back to when a picture […]