Rudiments of the World Part 1 By Rayola Kelley
This month of November is the beginning of insanity thanks to the commercial push to present the public with various articles and deals from the latest electronic spyware gadgets that will do everything for you but what needs to be done for personal well-being and responsibilities such as relationships and work. Advertisement will tell us […]
Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you never
addressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What does
that mean in relationship to hell and destruction?”
Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you neveraddressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What doesthat mean in relationship to hell and destruction?” A: Jesus is quoting Isaiah 66:24 in Mark. Isaiah is in reference to the last greatbattle that will […]
Jesus was very clear that there are only two responses when it comes to one’s spiritual life and direction in Luke 13:3 & 5, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” One must surely repent which means to turn away from the destructive path of death and destruction. However, […]