“What’s On Your Backburner?”

By Jeannette Haley Everyone who has a stove knows that the burners on the back are commonly referred to as the backburners. On our glass-top stove, there are three of them, one of which is simply for warming. All three are smaller in circumference than the front burners. The two front burners accommodate larger […]

By Jeannette Haley How beautiful, entertaining and sometimes hilarious it is to watch thecuriosity of newborns in both the human and animal worlds! What would life bewithout curiosity? There is just something askew when a human being prefers tolapse into a zombie state of mind and chooses to become disinterested anddetached from everything and everybody […]

By Jeannette Haley Sometimes an old song unexpectedly begins to flow through your mind, bringing with it heartwarming emotions and colorful images of days gone by. As fall proceeds to paint its way across the landscape towards Thanksgiving, the rustle of colorful leaves, the smell of woodsmoke, and the warmth of a fire can, for […]
Church Discipline

Q: How are you to treat close family members who are into perverted lifestyles that are considered an abomination to the Lord? A: A lot of family members struggle with this issue. The first thing a believer must do to determine how to properly respond to certain individuals is to discern if that member […]

FIREBRANDS By Rayola Kelley The other day I was talking to a friend, and she asked me about firebrands when it comes to our Christian faith. I guess for me I have my own definition of what a firebrand is. To me Elijah and John the Baptist were examples of firebrands. They were both […]

“PEG-LEG” CHRISTIANS? By Jeannette Haley “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ Hath made us free, and be not entangled again With the yoke of bondage.” – Galatians 5:1 We all laugh when our beloved friend, Rayola, accidentally calls Peleg (in Genesis 11) “Peg-Leg.” We know from Scripture that in Peleg’s time, “the […]
Repent Or Perish

REPENT OR PERISH By Rayola Kelley Jesus was very clear that there are only two responses when it comes to one’s spiritual life and direction in Luke 13:3 & 5, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” One must surely repent which means to turn away from the […]
And They Know – Part 5

“Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.” – Psalm 96:3 Maybe it’s safe to assume that in almost every home there is at least one mirror situated so a person can view their own reflection. It’s hard to imagine how we women could “fix” our faces and fashion our hair […]

The other morning as I was trying to wake out of a deep sleep, I had to wade through a dream. Granted, dreams can be a combination of something you watched on TV, something you have been or are involved with, something you ate, a part of your body complaining about some discomfort, or the […]
Two Trees in the Garden

Q: I have various questions about the two main trees in Eden, “the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.” Is the tree of good and evil, the tree of right and wrong as determined by each person who is leaning on their own understanding? Does eating the fruit […]