Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

Q: “Is there a difference between signs and wonders and miracles?”

Q: “Is there a difference between signs and wonders and miracles?” A: Yes, there is. We read about signs in Genesis 1:14 that the stars in thefirmament were to serve as signs. Jesus’ birth was marked by a star that three wisemen followed to Israel. Signs are something that can be seen and read, but […]

Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you never
addressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What does
that mean in relationship to hell and destruction?”

Q: “You wrote an article about hell a couple of months ago. However, you neveraddressed in Mark 9:44, 46, and 48, where it says “their worm dieth not.” What doesthat mean in relationship to hell and destruction?” A: Jesus is quoting Isaiah 66:24 in Mark. Isaiah is in reference to the last greatbattle that will […]

Q: “What do you think about the Ashbury Revival?”

Q: “What do you think about the Ashbury Revival?” A: It is easy to get excited any time one mentions a possible revival and jump onsome bandwagon that ends up with people taking sides as to it legitimacy while openlydebating whether it is genuine. I am not willing to jump on any bandwagon or take […]

Q: “What is outer darkness?”

Q: “What is outer darkness?” A: There are three main scriptures about outer darkness found in Matthew 8:12;22:13; and 25:30. Darkness can only be observed when there is an absence of lightbecause in certain situations even darkness is light to some people (Matthew 6:22-23).Spiritually there is the gnawing darkness of hell and the tormenting fiery […]

Q: “When you go through sickness and trials is God chastening you?”

A: No, not necessarily. God uses different means to get our attention. He allows sickness and trials to usually test, enlarge, and bring our faith to maturity. Such things will cause us to look up to Him to walk us through trying times. Peter referred to it as the fiery test of our faith in […]

Q: Is it wrong for Christians to take a hard stand and confront others who abuse and
use them? Are they really showing grace and mercy to people who always take
advantage of them?

A: I realize Christians struggle with this issue because of how Christianity ispresented. First, we must only confront for the sake of the person and not because theyare rubbing us wrong. Remember the cross of Jesus was for our sake, not His.Secondly, to find grace a person must be seeking mercy (Hebrews 4:16). You can’tshow […]

Church Discipline

Q: How are you to treat close family members who are into perverted lifestyles that are considered an abomination to the Lord?       A: A lot of family members struggle with this issue. The first thing a believer must do to determine how to properly respond to certain individuals is to discern if that member […]

God’s Love

Q: I recently read that God’s “purpose in making humans was to make someone to love. We exist because He wanted to love us and be loved by us.” This simple explanation of why we’re here is less than satisfying to my spirit. Where does it say something to this effect in the Bible? A: […]

Two Trees in the Garden

      Q: I have various questions about the two main trees in Eden, “the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.” Is the tree of good and evil, the tree of right and wrong as determined by each person who is leaning on their own understanding? Does eating the fruit […]