Q: I am confused by Isaiah 45:7, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. How does a Holy God who is void of evil create it?
A: It is important to recognize the theme of the Scripture: It is contrast. We are told God formed the light and created darkness. Is there a difference between forming something and creating something? To form something points to potential and purpose, while creating something points to bringing something forth. Light functions at different intensity […]
Q: What does King David mean in Psalm 139:22 that he had a perfect hatred towards his enemies?
A: In order to properly understand this Scripture, you must begin with Psalm 139:19. King David began with the obvious when he stated that God will surely slay the wicked for they speak wickedly against Him and take His name in vain. He then goes on to say in 21, “Do not I hate them, […]
Q: “In your last newsletter you spoke of not putting asunder what God has put together. I was wondering if that applied to ministry teams as well?”
A: The answer is yes. Jesus put His disciples in teams together before sending them out. After all, we are told in Ecclesiastes 4:12, “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” We see where Peter and John served as a team, as well as […]
Q: What does it mean in Matthew 19:6, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
A: This reference was made in light of God putting the first man and woman together as in a holy bond to set an important precedence for future couples of the human race. We call this relationship marriage The first thing that must be noted is that God designed Eve and brought her to Adam. […]
Q: In Matthew 5:22 we are told that whosoever shall say, “Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire,” and yet in Proverbs we read about the fool and in Psalm 14:1 it tells us a fool says in his heart there is no God. To me it is confusing. Is there some type of explanation as to what Jesus meant?
A: There is an explanation behind what Jesus is saying about this subject. We are all born with foolishness in our heart due to the selfish, carnal ways of the old man. We start out being fools in one way or the other. To be foolish is opposite of wisdom and wisdom comes from experiences. […]
Q: What does Matthew 5:25 mean when it says agree with your adversary quickly, especially when they might be in the wrong?
A: Romans 12:18 tells us, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” This includes our adversary. It is true our adversary may be in the wrong, but as believers we are in a ministry of reconciliation and must choose the excellent way of love and righteousness by […]
Q: “It is obvious we are living in very bad times. My question is can you give me any advice as to how to best survive these times, both spiritually and mentally?”
A: My advice would be the three E’s: exposure, environment, and examination. When it comes to exposure you must discern the spirit you are encountering because a wrong spirit can bring confusion, set you up to fall into temptation and bring you under some type of delusion that could cause you to end up operating […]
Q: “What do you say to Christian men who have a problem with the fact that they are part of the bride of Christ? After all it is a feminine position and in this upside-down world where everything sacred is under attack, especially gender, how can this matter be rectified in an edifying way?”
A: First of all, there is no gender when it comes to the instruments and vessels God uses in His kingdom work. He is no respecter of persons and does not regard the outside stature of a person but tests and tries their heart. Such a perspective eliminates a lot of criteria that we humans […]
Q: Is there a difference between a “good” man and a “righteous” man?
A: The answer is yes, but I also have to point out it depends on what premise you are approaching it from. The world’s idea of a “good” man points to one who is decent, while in the case of God, He is the only One who is considered good (Matthew 19:17). The reason why […]
Q: What does it mean to count the cost for a believer?
A: Counting the cost was in relationship to Jesus counting the cost when it came to the cross. The disciples told Him that they were willing to partake of the cup He was about to drink when it came to Him drinking of that great cup of sorrow during His trek up Calvary. In essence […]