Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

“Rudiments of the World” Part 2 By Rayola Kelley

In last month’s, November’s The Bottom Line, I dealt with the subject of liberalism in our faith due to how we handle and approach the Word of God. We may not realize it, but we do take liberty with God’s Word. We choose what we are going to believe, what doctrinal preference we have when […]


THE DANGER OF BEING “GOOD”By Jeannette Haley Perhaps there would be fewer misunderstandings, mistakes andmisinterpretations if we all carried around with us a Webster’s Dictionary alongwith a Concordance of the Bible. That way we could compare our understandingof what certain words mean with what God’s Word says, in context.Take the word “good” for example. When […]