Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry


WALKING WITHOUT FEETBy Jeannette Haley Feet are one of the most important parts of the body, and probably one of themost neglected. That is, until they begin to develop painful problems whichserves to remind us just how badly we need our feet! Just think how tired, sore and dirty people’s feet were in Jesus’ day. […]

Q: “What is outer darkness?”

Q: “What is outer darkness?” A: There are three main scriptures about outer darkness found in Matthew 8:12;22:13; and 25:30. Darkness can only be observed when there is an absence of lightbecause in certain situations even darkness is light to some people (Matthew 6:22-23).Spiritually there is the gnawing darkness of hell and the tormenting fiery […]