Q: In Matthew 5:22 we are told that whosoever shall say, “Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire,” and yet in Proverbs we read about the fool and in Psalm 14:1 it tells us a fool says in his heart there is no God. To me it is confusing. Is there some type of explanation as to what Jesus meant?

A: There is an explanation behind what Jesus is saying about this subject. We are all born with foolishness in our heart due to the selfish, carnal ways of the old man. We start out being fools in one way or the other. To be foolish is opposite of wisdom and wisdom comes from experiences. […]
LIVING IN INSANE TIMES Part 5 By Rayola Kelley

In the first four articles we have been looking at surviving the end times. I don’t know about you, but we have some books on survival. However, the procedures to survive something differs with the challenges that confront the person. For example, there are preppers who are preparing to survive national and international political unrest, […]