Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

 “What’s On Your Backburner?”

By Jeannette Haley    Everyone who has a stove knows that the burners on the back are commonly referred to as the backburners. On our glass-top stove, there are three of them, one of which is simply for warming. All three are smaller in circumference than the front burners. The two front burners accommodate larger […]


By Jeannette Haley How beautiful, entertaining and sometimes hilarious it is to watch thecuriosity of newborns in both the human and animal worlds! What would life bewithout curiosity? There is just something askew when a human being prefers tolapse into a zombie state of mind and chooses to become disinterested anddetached from everything and everybody […]

LIVING IN INSANE TIMES Part 4 By Rayola Kelley

For the last couple of months, I have been considering what it means to survive the times we live in. I do not think the question for a believer is how do I survive these times but how do I stand in these times, withstand them, and continue to stand. There is a difference between […]

Q: “Can you please explain how to know if a person is truly born again? I have a couple of close friends who always go to church and say that they’ve “always believed,’ but they don’t have a testimony of ever being broken over sin, or repenting, or making Jesus Lord of their lives. Nor do they have any desire to share Christ with the lost. Thank you.”

A: Hebrews 6:9 tells us there will be things that will accompany salvation, mainly a changed life (Ephesians 4:17-23). Jesus was clear that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. This points to the presence of His Spirit in us and a new heart that is inclined towards Him, producing a […]

REWARDS By Jeannette Haley

Oh! How we love rewards and perks. I remember as I child the joy I felt when rewarded for bringing the most friends to Sunday school, or memorizing the weekly Bible verses, or sometimes hymns. Of all the rewards I received, the little white cross that glowed in my dark room at night was my […]


WALKING WITHOUT FEETBy Jeannette Haley Feet are one of the most important parts of the body, and probably one of themost neglected. That is, until they begin to develop painful problems whichserves to remind us just how badly we need our feet! Just think how tired, sore and dirty people’s feet were in Jesus’ day. […]

And They Know – Part 4

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is  that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father,  and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” – John 14:21       If you’re reading this, you’re obviously “still here.” The question is, for what purpose? We […]