Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

“The Unspeakable Gift” By Rayola Kelley

Have you ever heard the story behind the song? “The Love of God?” In 1917, a man by the name of Frederick M. Lehman who was a pastor and businessman wrote this song. As a pastor he oversaw a poor flock, and as a business man he had lost everything and was close to financial […]


By Jeannette Haley “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” Solomon’s Song 6:3 It is quite obvious that the cycles and rhythms of American traditions continue to function in spite of all the world-shaking events that rage over and around us. They are as predictable as the drumbeats at a Pow Wow. For example, […]


By Jeannette Haley Sometimes an old song unexpectedly begins to flow through your mind, bringing with it heartwarming emotions and colorful images of days gone by. As fall proceeds to paint its way across the landscape towards Thanksgiving, the rustle of colorful leaves, the smell of woodsmoke, and the warmth of a fire can, for […]


THE DANGER OF BEING “GOOD”By Jeannette Haley Perhaps there would be fewer misunderstandings, mistakes andmisinterpretations if we all carried around with us a Webster’s Dictionary alongwith a Concordance of the Bible. That way we could compare our understandingof what certain words mean with what God’s Word says, in context.Take the word “good” for example. When […]


THE HARDEST SEVEN WORDS TO PRAY By Jeannette Haley “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” –John 15:7       What a wonderful privilege we have as Christians to come before the Majesty in heaven in prayer. Hebrews 4:16 […]

God’s Love

Q: I recently read that God’s “purpose in making humans was to make someone to love. We exist because He wanted to love us and be loved by us.” This simple explanation of why we’re here is less than satisfying to my spirit. Where does it say something to this effect in the Bible? A: […]

And They Know – Part 5

“Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.” – Psalm 96:3        Maybe it’s safe to assume that in almost every home there is at least one mirror situated so a person can view their own reflection. It’s hard to imagine how we women could “fix” our faces and fashion our hair […]