Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry

 “What’s On Your Backburner?”

By Jeannette Haley    Everyone who has a stove knows that the burners on the back are commonly referred to as the backburners. On our glass-top stove, there are three of them, one of which is simply for warming. All three are smaller in circumference than the front burners. The two front burners accommodate larger […]

“Divine Anointing”

By Jeannette Haley “While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard  sendeth forth the smell thereof.” – Song of Solomon 1:12        In our Bible study recently, a question was asked that is the inspiration behind this short article. The question, which apparently was a topic of discussion, is “Why did Mary wipe Jesus’ […]


I was recently reading one of my Facebook posts that was four years old. It was about the fact that we needed to brace ourselves. One might ask why must we brace ourselves, but I knew it was in light of the upcoming elections and the unstable issues taking center stage in 2020. I thought […]


By Jeannette Haley How beautiful, entertaining and sometimes hilarious it is to watch thecuriosity of newborns in both the human and animal worlds! What would life bewithout curiosity? There is just something askew when a human being prefers tolapse into a zombie state of mind and chooses to become disinterested anddetached from everything and everybody […]


By Jeannette Haley “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.” –Psalm 92:12-14        […]

LIVING IN INSANE TIMES Part 5 By Rayola Kelley

In the first four articles we have been looking at surviving the end times. I don’t know about you, but we have some books on survival. However, the procedures to survive something differs with the challenges that confront the person. For example, there are preppers who are preparing to survive national and international political unrest, […]


By Jeannette Haley “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” Solomon’s Song 6:3 It is quite obvious that the cycles and rhythms of American traditions continue to function in spite of all the world-shaking events that rage over and around us. They are as predictable as the drumbeats at a Pow Wow. For example, […]


By Jeannette Haley Sometimes an old song unexpectedly begins to flow through your mind, bringing with it heartwarming emotions and colorful images of days gone by. As fall proceeds to paint its way across the landscape towards Thanksgiving, the rustle of colorful leaves, the smell of woodsmoke, and the warmth of a fire can, for […]

Q: “Can you please explain how to know if a person is truly born again? I have a couple of close friends who always go to church and say that they’ve “always believed,’ but they don’t have a testimony of ever being broken over sin, or repenting, or making Jesus Lord of their lives. Nor do they have any desire to share Christ with the lost. Thank you.”

A: Hebrews 6:9 tells us there will be things that will accompany salvation, mainly a changed life (Ephesians 4:17-23). Jesus was clear that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. This points to the presence of His Spirit in us and a new heart that is inclined towards Him, producing a […]


Perhaps you’ve read the list going around on social media, or on certain Web Sites, that contains the names of many of the well-known Bible characters that were used by God along with a short, cryptic description of each one, such as “Leah was ugly” and “Timothy had an ulcer” of which neither statement is […]