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More Heavenly Gems
by Rayola Kelley


More Heavenly Gems is the fourth in a series of books that highlights bits of wisdom, pieces of endearing truths, and are interlaced with inspirational poems and stories. God clearly has a storehouse of gems, and these books are designed to give us glimpses into its abundant supplies.

Like the manna of old, such gems have been dropped upon His people to partake of and become richer in their faith. Each gem reminds Christians that they cannot have enough of God’s wisdom, let alone grasp the fullness of eternal truths, or limit heavenly inspiration once they open up their minds to receive His wisdom and their hearts to embrace them as liberating truths.

God’s gems are to remind each of us who He is, what He has done for us, and the plans He has for us in the future. A person who takes these gems to heart will find comfort, inspiration, and encouragement to realize His storehouse of wisdom is always full, His wells of inspiration will never become dry, and His springs of living water will continue to run because their source is eternal.

More Heavenly GemsPrice: $19.95 (plus s/h)